How you can make Zubaidi ...
There are several steps that can help you cook this dish. The first step is 1and ¾ cup white Basmati rice should be soaked in water for 30 minutes. The second step is the fish should be placed in the boiling water and stirred with a cinnamon stick. As well, add Carmon pods and clove to the water. Then the rice should be cooked in the reserved cooking water using sea salt and Loomis. Next, three yellow onions are diced and heated in a pan with some turmeric, sea salt and 1/4 tsp bahrat, and then they should be added into the cooked rice. After that, the fish should be marinated with small pieces of garlic and lemon juice. Then you can put them on the top of the rice and keep them in the oven for one hour at 275 F. Finally, take it from the oven and then you can serve it.